Sunday, May 24, 2009

Rainy Sunday

Normally I love a good rainy Sunday afternoon. It's nice to relax after a fun, eventful weekend and get ready for the coming work week but that is definitely not the case today. I'm sick of waking up every morning and seeing the sky outside gray and ready to rain. It seems like for the past few weeks the only semi-nice days have been during the week when I'm stuck inside at my cubicle and by the time the weekend rolls around it's threatening...and delivering rain all weekend. It's fair to say that I have lost all semblance of a tan, even if that tan was a horrible t-shirt one that I got at a Clemson baseball game. The weather definitely doesn't help the fact that I seriously have to start training for the Isle of Palms 10k in Charleston that I'm supposed to run in October. I know I have plenty of time but I'm not motivated to go run when I wake up in the morning to overcast skies and humidity.

The weather has given me a lot of time to read though and I read a nice, easy, girly book in about a day. Now I'm starting in on he's just not that into you. Although I've only read the first chapter so far it already it's scaring me to death. I know the book is supposed to make you feel more secure but so far all it's doing is making me feel like I don't have a chance in heck. We'll see how I feel once I finish.

1 comment:

  1. dude, did you just call "dixieland sushi" an easy read? that is my life you're talking about. :) it is meant for ESL peeps, represent.

    and i gave you a blog award.
