Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lazy Weekend

I'm actually really surprised I'm posting again so soon but considering that fact that I have nothing going on other than work I guess it makes sense that I'm kind of bored.

So far I love being back in the south. It's nice to be able to see all of my friends from college without having to book a plane ticket or drive for half a day but being in a new city is harder than I thought it was going to be. I was definitely spoiled in college, there was always something to do and someone to do it with. College life lends itself to meeting new people but life after school is not quite the same. How do you meet people in the "real world"?

The girls I work with are all great but not really people I would call to go out on a Friday night. My biggest dilemma is how am I ever going to meet guys if I don't work with any? To tell you the truth I'm not really sure if there are any guys my age who work at the same company as me and if they do they definitely don't work in my building where the only man is probably 60. It definitely doesn't help that it's common knowledge among my friends that I lack any type of game so I need all the help I can get in the guy meeting department. I guess I'll just have to wait and see and if all else, 2014, here I come.

1 comment:

  1. yay blogging amanda!!!!

    keep on keepin' on girl!

    so glad we got to hang out this weekend :o)

    tell calhoun hey for me!

    i love exclamation marks!
