Thursday, May 21, 2009

Facebook made the quote "All my friends are getting married and I'm just getting drunk" famous and when I first saw the group it didn't really mean anything to it's becoming the story of my life. At first I thought it was only people from college who were starting to get engaged and married but now it's high school too...that's not a very northern thing to do! So I'm sitting here alone in the apartment on a Thursday night and I think I might just have a second glass of wine with dinner.

In better news I'm super excited about moving into our new house in a week or so! It's super cute and even though I'll still be sleeping on the air mattress for a few weeks it is going to feel amazing to be able to hang my clothes in a closet...the suitcases just aren't doing it for me any more. I am going to miss my awesome roommies for the month and a half that I'm living in the house alone. Everyone keeps asking me if it scares me that I'll be living alone and it doesn't. I think the thing that scares me the most is the fact that I don't plan on paying for cable by myself so I'm going to be tv and internet free for the next two months. Any good book suggestions would be greatly appreciated since I'm sure I'll be doing a ton of reading. It will all be worth it though when I we have our housewarming blow out in at the beginning of August!


  1. you should do some book review/suggestions yourself! i already forgot the ones we talked about in target!

  2. suggestions for a girl living alone in a house??? how about any of the true crime stuff?

    :) j/k

    i'm excited to see you tonight! whoo - hooo, screw all those married people. we're getting drunk and that's how we like it!
