I came back for the beginning of June relaxed, tan and ready for a new month. I started moving my stuff over to the new house on Monday and now have some of my clothes hanging in my closet. There is still a ton more to move and I plan on taking some more things tomorrow but I won't be taking everything over to stay until Saturday. Along with all the things I still have to move there are a lot of things I have to buy and a lot I want to buy even if I don't really need them. For about a month now I've been trying to talk myself into buying a new duvet cover and I found one that I really love.

It comes with the sheet set and two shams plus it matches the color of my new room, which is a grayish blue, and the cover I have now doesn't but I always have a hard time making big purchases. I also need to buy myself a new tv and a bookcase for my room. I guess it's a good thing I have a job since all I do now is spend money but you only live once!